The start of a new year is when people are driven and willing to sit down and look at what’s working and what needs to be reworked. A clean slate is more than just exciting – it’s a prime opportunity to clarify who your organization is and what it stands for, allowing for disciplined planning. […]
Ripple Effect
Ever watch the joy and imagination of a young child playing pretend? The promise of potential they feel is palpable. No matter the chosen storyline, I’m willing to bet one undeniable truth lies underneath it all: I want to change lives. I would encourage you to get very clear on your vision for a single […]
Are They Picking Up What You’re Putting Down?
Think about the members of your team. Picture them in your office or workspace. What do you see? Who’s listening to music? Who can’t work unless their space is tidied? Does anyone have a variety of colors and textures in their area? What about seating selections? Does everyone use a classic chair or do some […]
Motivate Your Team to Get Moving
One of the best ways to re-engage energy from a team is to go through a process of planning. It doesn’t have to be a very complicated process, and the plan itself doesn’t even have to be that ingenious, but the process itself has tremendous value, maybe even more value than a written plan. Re-engage […]
Growing Church Partnerships
God created us to live in a community with others. Writing to the Romans, Paul makes our mutual dependency a focal point of his letter. “I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s […]
Who’s Who in Your What?
I once heard Chuck Swindoll say Paul was a recovering people pleaser. Galatians 1:10 says it best as Paul asks, “Am I now seeking the favor of men or of God, or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.” Paul […]
Engaging Endowments
“Endowment” is a harsh word for many, but it need not be. I suggest, instead, we think of it as an allowance. When our boys were younger, they completed certain chores around the house as part of our family. In return, they received a small allowance. Knowing they would most likely complete their assigned tasks […]
Mission or Movement?
What came first? The mission statement or the movement? Like the age-old chicken or the egg, there isn’t a definitive starting point that always hits the mark. If you’re in development, you may find organizations and ministries for which you could ask – and never answer – this very question. Sometimes, organizations hit the ground […]
What’s the Plan?
Resting in peace, not dead. Between jobs, not unemployed. Thrifty, not cheap. Unique, not odd. Golden years, not old age. Euphemisms are proof of just how much the English language loves to spin. It’s time for a spin in development. It’s time to present the possibility of Planned Giving. Organizations faced with the stress of […]
Shaped by Sway
As humans, we cling to what is tangible when defining our success. In the world of advancement, it’s tempting to measure success by funds raised and the number of zeros before the decimal point. But, to get to the top, we look at the bottom line. Development is the work of raising money. We must […]
Virtual Vision
Have you ever purchased a lawnmower and then decided you’d rather use it as a shower curtain? Probably not. Form follows function – in more ways than one. You’ve heard us advocate for hiring better rather than hiring often. What does that mean when you hire an individual for an office position and they’re now […]
Ordinary for the Extraordinary
Missionary and evangelist Jim Elliot once wrote, “Forgive me for being so ordinary while claiming to know so extraordinary a God.” Elliot had a heart for unreached people and a passion for sharing the Gospel. For more than three years, Elliot worked with four other missionaries to orchestrate Operation Auca. The Huaorani people were an […]
Bored with your Board?
I often hear complaints from development and advancement directors and teams working with faith-based nonprofit organizations, schools, and missions. “Our board doesn’t get involved.” “Our board doesn’t contribute.” You’re bored… with your board. At times, this can be completely confounding. The Christian mindset is to build one another up, to defend the widows and the […]
To Delegate is to Disciple | Leading Well Through Mentorships
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can.” As leaders, we carry the amazing responsibility of raising others up to stand on level ground, and even to push them above and beyond. In so many areas of our faith, we are encouraged to think […]
Growing Pains
May I be blunt? I don’t really have any interest in you learning for the sake of learning, though I’m the first to admit I have a teacher’s heart. I’m more interested in what you and your team are going to do with the skills, tactics, and tools we discuss. Keeping this in mind, let’s […]
Discipline Can Be Deceiving
From the outside, as I hiked with several leaders after a long and productive day, it likely looked like I was a diligent, structured, disciplined person. I say this because several people commented on just that. However, that was merely a reaction to evidence available at the moment. I love discipline. I admire it. I […]
Redefining Success | Navigating COVID-19
Many of you have reached out with the same basic, but ever so complicated, question: What do we do now? Although many things remain to be sorted out, we have three important steps for you and your organizations to take today for a stronger tomorrow. Update Timelines At this point we have no way of […]
3 Steps Emergent Leaders Need to Take
With the end of the year approaching, you are in a unique position for your ministry. I’d even go so far as to say the strongest position you could possibly be in come December. If anyone has giving decisions remaining to make before now and the end of the year, they are likely to find […]
Strength Training | 3 Steps to Stronger Ideas
Strength stands on the shoulders of those who came before us. Years ago, I learned a formula that has changed my life. As a driven individual I can be guilty at times of being so focused I settle for nothing short of perfection. There was a time when I would rather have taken no action […]
The Giving Board
Create. Motivate. Activate. The relationship between a leader and those who serve alongside the leader can be quite impactful, but sometimes difficult to navigate, especially when it comes to money. Let’s face it – confronting those who choose to serve, who give of their time …to also give of their finances… is not always easy. […]