What came first? The mission statement or the movement?
Like the age-old chicken or the egg, there isn’t a definitive starting point that always hits the mark.
If you’re in development, you may find organizations and ministries for which you could ask – and never answer – this very question.
Sometimes, organizations hit the ground running. There’s energy. There’s intentionality. There’s growth. And then what?
Sometimes, organizations are created on paper and tick all the boxes for a donor. At least on said paper. What happens next?
I’ve seen organizations with beautifully written mission statements but no real sense of clarity of mission, or beautiful vision statements but no real vision. I think what you want to think through is how do we articulate what we have already seen God do through our work in a way that makes sense to people.
The goal is to reach a point where the vision is defined, and an action plan is in place.
The development message enables organizations to accomplish this, so we often begin at this point in coaching the leaders we work with.
Whether you’re just getting started, or you’re pivoting with purpose, the most important thing is to develop a prospect plan and grow the number of people who are thinking longer-term in their giving, be it monthly, annually, or otherwise.
Next, we encourage ministries to clarify a prospect plan of individuals to focus on to take deeper into the work and into the story.
Whether you want to speak with a Coach to better understand our coaching philosophy, or if you’re ready to lean in and take your vision to the next level, we would love to hear from you!