These are challenging times. It’s important, and I believe helpful, to call to mind those who came before us and have stood where we stand. While we’ve no proof that any of the disciples were ordered to shelter in place due to a virus, we DO have proof that they faced many trials of all […]
Positioned to Achieve | Resetting and Hitting Giving Goals in These Unusual Times
How do you know that you are putting yourselves in a position to achieve giving goals in these remarkable times? No one can see the future, but we can lean on God’s promises and steward well what we’ve been given to predict our financial future. Today I want to look at two areas to place […]
Keeping the Faith | When Leaders Need Encouragement
Earlier this week, a member of our team was approached with an amusing question. Her younger son asked why we celebrate Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and even Grandparent’s Day … but not “Kid’s Day” in America. Not wanting to sound bitter or patronizing, she simply replied that every day is a day to celebrate awesome […]
Momentum Motivates
I know exercise is good for me. I know I feel better when I workout. I know my physical health directly connects to my mental health and attention paid to one directly benefits the other. So why do I stop? Why do I have days or even weeks where I don’t exercise at all? Why […]
3 Steps Emergent Leaders Need to Take
With the end of the year approaching, you are in a unique position for your ministry. I’d even go so far as to say the strongest position you could possibly be in come December. If anyone has giving decisions remaining to make before now and the end of the year, they are likely to find […]
4 Simple Questions for Complicated Seasons
Too much to do, too little time. Sound familiar? For most leaders, end of year can be a stressful time. With mere days left in the giving year and calendars filling up with holiday celebrations and obligations, December can be a tricky month to navigate. It doesn’t have to be. At all times, but especially […]
Strength Training | 3 Steps to Stronger Ideas
Strength stands on the shoulders of those who came before us. Years ago, I learned a formula that has changed my life. As a driven individual I can be guilty at times of being so focused I settle for nothing short of perfection. There was a time when I would rather have taken no action […]
Development is Threefold…Not Billfold
What We Can Learn From Jesus + Einstein “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” This quote from Albert Einstein resonated with me earlier this week, and has encouraged the advice I share with you today. Whether through parables or five alphanumeric symbols, e = mc2, great men know it […]
3 Ways to Show Vision Through Hospitality
Calling all Marthas! Jesus gave credit where credit was due for Mary’s focus on the importance of time spent with our Savior. I’ve considered, however, from time to time, the number of people who give the Marthas of the world a bad name. There’s something to be said for the gift of hospitality. We all […]
Super Strength | Surrendering to THE Source
I’m in a season of self-reflection. Recently, I’ve asked myself simple questions and yet am left with complex answers. I’ve discovered others’ decisions, opportunities, problems, or challenges are taking up a significant chunk of my thought life. Jesus said to him, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that […]
Be Enough in 6 Steps
Satan is limited. He cannot disrupt the plans of our God, but he can and he WILL try to distract us long enough to minimize our potential to postpone our power. When – and notice I say when, not if – this happens, it is crucial to remind ourselves we are enough. We must […]
Leading Through Storytelling
That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat beside the sea. And great crowds gathered about Him, so that He got into a boat and sat down. And the whole crowd stood on the beach. And He told them many things in parables… Matthew 13:1-3 In countless ways, Jesus was and continues […]
Transforming Completed into Well Done
Have you ever trained for a race? Those who have know in the months and weeks leading up to the big day, whether by a step or by a mile, forward movement is progress. However, come race day there is a visible, marked difference between those who merely finish the race and those who run […]
Follow Up That Gets Results
Did you know that the work that comes AFTER the ask is just as important as the ask itself Follow-up is where work is done and results come. Accountability is tracked responsibility. I could speak all day … probably for days … on follow-up, why it’s vital, and ways I’ve seen it transform giving. Today, […]
Focus on Follow Up
A healthy system is a beauty to behold. Whether it’s traffic lights perfectly timed greeting you with green after green en route to work or a gorgeously executed family dinner that arrives hot to the table with all members ready to eat – systems that work can make life easier, more efficient, and even […]
Leaders are Learners
Be a ‘Learn-It-All’ Rather Than a ‘Know-It-All’ Driven. Independent. Encouraging. Visionary. Accountable. Trustworthy. I could go on and on listing the valued, desired qualities we look for in leaders as a society. However, I believe from a biblical standpoint the origin for the best leadership designed by God and humbly modeled for us by […]
4 Ways to Ask for Money
I will say, for most leaders, asking for money is one of the most challenging things that they do. I will not say that, for most leaders, this becomes easier over time because I don’t think it ever does. If you are focused on asking well… If you are focused on honoring God with […]
3 Moves That Maximize Your Time | Doing More for Less
Jesus told us not to worry, for tomorrow will surely bring worries of its own. Yet as leaders, it can feel as though the only way we stay above water is by staying one step ahead. More is constantly being expected for less. In a nation that seemingly values the art of business, more […]
3 Strategies to Combat Your Leadership Weaknesses
In order to heal, a patient must first acknowledge he is sick. Jesus, in His wonders and miracles, frequently sought ownership in the hurting and a desire for relief. When Jesus noticed him lying there, knowing he had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to get […]
Access Accountability – Harness Productivity
Moving People to Decisions – Together Let’s face it: whether it’s two people or an entire team, advancement requires accountability. My goal in today’s article is to provide a snapshot on how to keep track of important numbers and keep your team moving forward together. Keep Score I believe in weekly reviews for individuals and […]