Create. Motivate. Activate. The relationship between a leader and those who serve alongside the leader can be quite impactful, but sometimes difficult to navigate, especially when it comes to money. Let’s face it – confronting those who choose to serve, who give of their time …to also give of their finances… is not always easy. […]
Super Strength | Surrendering to THE Source
I’m in a season of self-reflection. Recently, I’ve asked myself simple questions and yet am left with complex answers. I’ve discovered others’ decisions, opportunities, problems, or challenges are taking up a significant chunk of my thought life. Jesus said to him, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that […]
Development is Threefold…Not Billfold
What We Can Learn From Jesus + Einstein “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” This quote from Albert Einstein resonated with me earlier this week, and has encouraged the advice I share with you today. Whether through parables or five alphanumeric symbols, e = mc2, great men know it […]
Leading Through Storytelling
That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat beside the sea. And great crowds gathered about Him, so that He got into a boat and sat down. And the whole crowd stood on the beach. And He told them many things in parables… Matthew 13:1-3 In countless ways, Jesus was and continues […]
Transforming Completed into Well Done
Have you ever trained for a race? Those who have know in the months and weeks leading up to the big day, whether by a step or by a mile, forward movement is progress. However, come race day there is a visible, marked difference between those who merely finish the race and those who run […]
Follow Up That Gets Results
Did you know that the work that comes AFTER the ask is just as important as the ask itself Follow-up is where work is done and results come. Accountability is tracked responsibility. I could speak all day … probably for days … on follow-up, why it’s vital, and ways I’ve seen it transform giving. Today, […]
Focus on Follow Up
A healthy system is a beauty to behold. Whether it’s traffic lights perfectly timed greeting you with green after green en route to work or a gorgeously executed family dinner that arrives hot to the table with all members ready to eat – systems that work can make life easier, more efficient, and even […]
What Truly Matters | Yearly Numbers You Need to Know
Some things matter. Some things don’t. Ultimately, what you pay attention to – what you focus on – will direct your steps. Where are you headed? I think now is the perfect time, if you don’t already have a good idea, to find out. Don’t you? Think about giving up to this point this year. […]
Make Your Numbers Count!
The Data You Really Need to Raise More Money There is power in what happens when you look at the right numbers. I have never seen an out-of-the-box database able to give you the exact numbers you need to make decisions as a ministry. I have seen ministries transform their perspective and in turn […]
90 Minutes of Change
I want to give you 90 minutes that are going to completely change the momentum in your giving year, particularly between now and the end of December. Not 90 minutes of watching me or listening to a webinar for an hour and a half… 90 minutes of action that will move you forward. Meetings are […]
Grow Giving This Year by Taking a Step Back
Reinforcing the Basics | Building Your Skillset If you are like me, you are thinking a lot about your goals for this year. Now is the perfect time to refocus on essentials while expanding on potential. Let’s talk about advancement planning and what it can do for your ministry! True advancement planning occurs when you’re […]
The Power of Ten
High Priority Prospects and What They Can Mean for Your Ministry I want to share a powerful method we’ve seen work again and again for leaders. I believe it will help you focus in the year as you look ahead to the next ten to twelve months. Focus on establishing a group of highest […]
How to Grow Long-Term Donors
Knowing the difference between when and how to emphasize gifts and commitments with potential donors is vital to the process of creating a sustained community of generous giving. To determine the development strategy you’re going to use, you must first understand the stages of a donor. Donor-focused perspective is key! The current outlook on fundraising […]
This December May Never Come Again
Zach Clark talks about the challenge of keeping focus at the end of the giving year and the 4 essential things we encourage leaders to do to have a record giving year.
What You Absolutely Positively Must Do Before the End of December
The clock is ticking. The giving year is quickly coming to a close. Are you ready? Let’s review three simple, yet specific, steps you can take to maximize the potential for donor giving here at the end of the calendar year. Let’s get you setup and ready to roll in the NEXT calendar year! […]
How to raise more money by just saying thank you
How well are you thanking and reporting? Are you setting the standard in this important work? I want to challenge you to consider how you can grow giving by focusing first on better thanking and reporting to your donors. This is essential to growing your giving future! Here’s what the data tells us: If […]
Achieving Your Giving Goal in the Next 45 Days
This calendar year is coming to a close. Have you hit your giving goals? Creating a 45-day plan may be the push your project needs. Any purposeful gift is the result of intentional planning; it begins with God and flows from your faithful follow-through. By this point in the year, you have had a lot […]
4 Ways To Create A Sense of Urgency to Grow Giving
If you will do these four actionable steps, it will move your ministry to a higher level of giving results. Zach Clark shares specific actionable things that you can do to move forward and grow your significant giving for your ministry.
Why Now is the Best Time to Raise Money
When is the best time to start raising money? If this is a question you find yourself asking, take a few minutes to learn what Zach Clark, Founder of Development and Leadership Coaching, has to say in this video about why the best time is right now even though it may not feel like it […]
Planning Versus Doing
Are you stuck in the planning phase of the work you do through your ministry? In this video, Zach Clark, Founder of Development and Leadership Coaching, shares some questions you need to ask in order to help you take action, and get the right information in front of people who could make a big […]