Do you learn more from success or failure? I am a firm believer in the power of using what went wrong to make something go right. Here are 5 mistakes to avoid.
Covered NOT Cancelled
Ecclesiastes 7:21 states in part, “Do not take to heart all the things people say…” Ignoring what others say about something or someone you care about has always been easier said than done, but never more so than in these past few months. Divisions from cultural movements have swept the news cycle, filled our social […]
Clear Skies Ahead | Flying Above Overwhelm
I’ve always been mystified with flight. The fact that those who came before us were so bold as to see the birds of the sky and think, “Hey, we can do that!” is astounding in its own right. Add to it that two young, adventurous, North Carolina boys made that dream a reality blows my […]
Idea of Stress
Anxiety takes many forms, but it all comes back to wanting MY will over THY will. Learning to differentiate between GOOD & BAD stress can make all the difference.
Battle Ready
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. It’s vital for your ministry to evaluate what you want your impact to be as you move forward into the unknown
Choose Your Battles
Do you find yourself discounting your opportunities before they even happen because the donor prospect is difficult? It’s time to move past that way of thinking.
Creating a High Impact Board
In real relationships you talk about things that are important to you. That’s how you know a real relationship from others. Let’s look at 3 WAYS to get REAL with your board to make REAL change.
Keep Moving Forward
Leaps of faith are thrilling in movies, but not in business. There is, however, something to be said for moving forward with purpose, on purpose.
Leaders are Learners
What is you were as open to learning as you ask interns to be? What impact could that have on your ministry? Join me as we find out!
Prospect Planning
While it would be wonderful to move a thousand or more people along, the reality is we’re capable of shepherding 200 people at one time. It’s time to focus.
New Rhythm, New Flow
New normal. Out with the old. In with the new. Catch phrases may grab attention, but they don’t keep it. Here’s our take on shifting the paradigm in development.
The Grieving Leader
Grief is defined as “deep sorrow.” Grieving is a process, one that can be especially difficult to navigate as a leader. We have some pointers for difficult seasons.
Gifting the Giver
Do you reciprocate when you receive? Donors appreciate the “thank you” but remember when they are seen. Learn 5 meaningful ways to gift the giver when you thank!
The Leadership Struggle
Whether you use the cliche term or not, burnout is a thing, and as a leader, it comes for you. Here are ways to deal with it.
Smooth Sailing Requires a Charted Course
Momentum has to start somewhere! Encourage your board to be the catalyst to bring about change and growth in your organization and its impact with these 2 challenges.
Development Dominos
When it comes to year-end appeals, the important thing is focusing on those who have not yet given this year.
Development Committees | Setting the Standard
In development, we get out what we’re willing to put in. How are you utilizing your board members and committees? There’s untapped potential – let’s tap into it in 3 ways today!
Wartime Priorities
You are the general of your ministry organization. It’s time to enter the war room and not reemerge until you draw up war plans. What does this mean? Two steps, endless possibilities!
Noteworthy Meetings | Tools of the Trade
When you ask a question, there is power in the answer. Are you listening? Are you harnessing it? One notebook has the potential to guide you to do just that!
Bored with your Board?
I often hear complaints from development and advancement directors and teams working with faith-based nonprofit organizations, schools, and missions. “Our board doesn’t get involved.” “Our board doesn’t contribute.” You’re bored… with your board. At times, this can be completely confounding. The Christian mindset is to build one another up, to defend the widows and the […]