An inside glimpse at a coaching conversation about the challenges a leader is facing with scheduling time with potential donors as well as seeing enough money raised to achieve their goals by deadline.
Want to move forward? Stop having imaginary conversations
I’m taking about those imaginary conversations in your head that hold you back. Don’t get overwhelmed. Get encouraged!
Do You Have the Courage to REGAIN Donors?
Many leaders struggle to prioritize their focus when it comes to raising money. The number one challenge that we see in ministries is retaining donors, and regaining those that were lost. When it comes to raising money to move ministry forward, leaders tend to gravitate toward spending their energy to recruit new donors. I want […]
10 Personal Planning Questions for the New Year
Planning for the year ahead is not just for ‘Type A’ people. Planning is really part of how we do what we do as leaders. It is part of a lifestyle of leadership, and great planning starts with great questions. When it comes to planning, we encourage people to create a file, […]
Simplify Your Year End Giving Approach in December
What’s on your plate for raising money at the end of the year? In this video, Zach Clark, founder of Development and Leadership Coaching, speaks directly to people who are working to raise money effectively in the month of December. He shares a specific structure and mindset you can use to simplify your life, manage […]
What the Bible Really Says about Favoritism and Raising Money
This is a controversial topic. How can you balance your need to raise money for ministry with what the Bible teaches about avoiding favoritism in James Chapter 2? “My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine […]
4 Ways to Ridiculously Grow your Network and Influence
How can we expand our network and engage more people in the vision of our organization? I get this question all the time from the leaders I work with and the answer to this question starts with YOU. As a leader, you have to be taking intentional steps to grow your reach and your influence. […]
How to Create a Ministry Fundraising Plan for Record Giving in 2016
The reports keep coming in from leaders who experienced record giving last year. These are ordinary people who are called to lead in an extraordinary way. What did they do differently than others? Did they have a more compelling need? Did they just try harder? Maybe God just likes them better? No. They had a […]
A Vision for Saving Lives or Changing Lives
The more you can accompany your vision with a profile that paints a picture of the life, the stronger you’re going to be in communicating your vision.
How to Avoid Burnout
Aligning Hearts with your Vision
Here’s the bad news: having vision is the easy part.
Quit Hating Yourself. Start Leading.
The currency you are after as a development leader is not money. What you are trying to grow is the currency of influence.
5 Steps to Better Hiring
How important is the next position you are seeking to fill? Does your hiring process reflect that importance?
How to Shift from Busy to Effective
Get Your Fundraising Unstuck
To help people understand the impact their giving can have you need a very clear development plan. A development plan helps you stay on message and communicate the series of steps that help people understand how their giving is fuel to move you forward.
I get so many questions about how to make craft a development plan. To help more leaders save time, energy, and money I’m making one of our audio seminars available for immediate purchase and digital access.
The teaching in this seminar is usually just available to our one to one coaching members but we’ve made it available now for single purchase as well.
Casting Vision for Lives Changed
You can really only raise money for two things: saving lives or changing lives.
Gracefully Involving Friends in your Vision
A true friend is someone who is interested in what you are working on.
Growing Your Network and Influence
Lead and grow your network through influence, bring people along the road with you, and you’ll be amazed at the results that God provides as you shepherd the relationships He has given you.
How To Hold On To Your Donors
Ministries and non-profit organizations bleed out former donors time and time again. However, givers live to give again. Therefore, retaining our givers should be paramount. The question we must ask ourselves is, “How do we retain our givers?” Learn key principles to assist you in retaining your donors.