How can we expand our network and engage more people in the vision of our organization? I get this question all the time from the leaders I work with and the answer to this question starts with YOU. As a leader, you have to be taking intentional steps to grow your reach and your influence. […]
Being Inefficient is Often Highly Effective
There is a constant pull toward discovering ways to be more productive and more efficient. The leaders we serve are thankfully always asking us how they can be more productive, more efficient, get more things accomplished, and manage themselves and their time better and better. We love to help them discover how to do this, […]
How to Create a Ministry Fundraising Plan for Record Giving in 2016
The reports keep coming in from leaders who experienced record giving last year. These are ordinary people who are called to lead in an extraordinary way. What did they do differently than others? Did they have a more compelling need? Did they just try harder? Maybe God just likes them better? No. They had a […]
A Vision for Saving Lives or Changing Lives
The more you can accompany your vision with a profile that paints a picture of the life, the stronger you’re going to be in communicating your vision.
Aligning Hearts with your Vision
Here’s the bad news: having vision is the easy part.
Growing a Culture of Giving: 5 Ways to Shoot Yourself in the Foot
Development is about long-term and sustainable relationships.
Quit Hating Yourself. Start Leading.
The currency you are after as a development leader is not money. What you are trying to grow is the currency of influence.
5 Steps to Better Hiring
How important is the next position you are seeking to fill? Does your hiring process reflect that importance?
Why You Don’t Have Enough Donors
If you feel you are lacking prospects, connections, donors, volunteers, candidates for positions then you have a time-use problem, not an actual lack of people.
Casting Vision for Lives Changed
You can really only raise money for two things: saving lives or changing lives.
Do More With Less: Maximizing Your Value
One of the top challenges leaders face today is tight margins. Learn how to maximize the value of what you already have in terms of relationships, income and giving.
Gracefully Involving Friends in your Vision
A true friend is someone who is interested in what you are working on.
Growing Your Network and Influence
Lead and grow your network through influence, bring people along the road with you, and you’ll be amazed at the results that God provides as you shepherd the relationships He has given you.
The Most Effective Way to Waste Your Time
Email is best utilized as a tool in our arsenal. Not our primary leadership method.
Characteristics of a High-Performing Development Leader
Finding and growing development leaders is a hard task. Take a look at these vital leadership qualities to help you in your quest.
New Year’s Resolution: Go from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed
Learn how to start fresh in the New Year with these five strategies to move from overwhelmed to overjoyed.
Demystify Your Vision
You are created, called, and equipped to influence others to see the vision, engage in it, and invest in it.
Leading From The Middle: Guest Post by Mark Miller
The present often traps leaders in the middle. If you’re not careful, you’ll not be leading anything. You’ll just be managing the present.
To Leaders Who Want to Raise More Money
The answers have nothing to do with working harder or launching new programs.
How To Lead The Most Difficult Person In Your Life
There’s a trend in the questions I’m asked by many of the leaders I admire most.