Do you have the right people doing the right things in your ministry organization? Why is this so important anyway? One of my most favorite topics to talk with leaders about is how to have better hiring for ministry organizations. We have shared some basic steps over the years with leaders that have helped […]
The 100 Day Reset
Are you struggling to keep you and your team focused? You may need to hit the reset button. In fact, as leaders, data suggests that we should be hitting the reset button every 100 days. We have learned that it is very hard to sustain a group of people moving together and keep their focus, […]
How to Grow More and Better Leaders: Interview with Mark Miller
Zach Clark, Director of Development and Leadership Coaching, interviews author and Vice President of High Performance Leadership at Chick-fil-A, Mark Miller, about his new book Leader’s Made Here and about how to help grow leaders in your organization. FIVE readers will win a copy of Mark’s new book. All you have to do is sign up […]
Do You Have the Courage to REGAIN Donors?
Many leaders struggle to prioritize their focus when it comes to raising money. The number one challenge that we see in ministries is retaining donors, and regaining those that were lost. When it comes to raising money to move ministry forward, leaders tend to gravitate toward spending their energy to recruit new donors. I want […]
11 Things I Believe About Leadership
This is a guest post from my friend and mentor Mark Miller,Vice President of High-Performance Leadership at Chick-fil-A. Mark has had a profound impact on my life, and his thinking directly shapes our work at Development and Leadership Coaching. I want to live my life on purpose. As part of my on-going attempt to do […]
10 Personal Planning Questions for the New Year
Planning for the year ahead is not just for ‘Type A’ people. Planning is really part of how we do what we do as leaders. It is part of a lifestyle of leadership, and great planning starts with great questions. When it comes to planning, we encourage people to create a file, […]
Rekindling Your Fire – Overcoming Winter Burnout
Congratulations, you’ve made it through January! Are you feeling burnt out right now? Let’s keep moving forward together. Join me for our Masterclass: Rekindling Your Fire – Overcoming Winter Burnout. I will be sharing: Why this is such an insidious and pervasive problem…especially for leaders of faith-based organizations. The specific actions you can take to […]
3 Step Process for Strategic Planning
“Strategic Planning” is one of those terms that just gets thrown around. The variety of perspectives on strategic planning, its processes, and its final outcomes seem infinite. The problem for you is that you can end up drowning while trying to grab hold of this big idea while people keep saying ‘we need a strategic […]
Move Your Vision Forward by Leading Yourself
Do you know the primary thing that holds you back from accomplishing your vision? It’s also the very same thing that can really move you forward. It’s YOU. The reason why this is true so much of the time is because YOU are often the primary person that God is going to be using to […]
3 Simple Planning Questions To Help You Take Action
Are you an obsessive compulsive planner? I want to challenge you on the value of planning versus doing. You definitely need a strategic plan for your future, but in the meantime, you must work at the leading edge of what God is doing to save lives and change lives through your ministry and your calling […]
How to Create Momentum and Organizational Change in 100 Days
There is a remarkable thought leader named Robert Schaffer who has a pretty amazing team of people that work with huge corporations and large non-profit organizations while engaging in some of the most complex projects around the world. They use a specific method called ‘rapid success projects’ to help bring about organizational change. I […]
Get off your computer, and get in their face
Our bias is toward the effectiveness of face to face meetings. I could go on for a long time about why this is one of the most powerful leadership tools in your possession, but let me give you just one compelling reason. I believe that this approach is near to the heart of what you […]
Integrating Your Communications
How do you begin to integrate your compelling message into everything you do in interacting with generous givers? We teach that you’ve got to create a plan to approach your communications and interactions with givers in a very intentional way. This plan is built upon what is effective and what is high impact in […]
3 Part Process to Leading People to Make Decisions About Giving
Have you reached the point where you feel like you have been communicating like crazy and now you just need people to make decisions about their giving so that you can move forward? I want to equip you with a three-part framework that is going to help you time and time again to lead people […]
3 Components of Strategy
Do you really have clarity on your strategy? Strategy is a word that gets thrown around and can be made much more complicated than it needs to be. Often, leaders will come up with a long and detailed written plan that they will refer to as their “strategy.” While it’s very important to have a […]
How to Ask for Money Without Fear and Loathing
Asking for money can be awkward, uncomfortable, difficult, and frustrating. When it comes to raising money, I find that most leaders have two things in common. First, I think it’s very common for any human being to have some sort of emotional baggage they bring with them as it relates to money. Anything you read […]
I Understand It Is Easy To Be Discouraged Right Now
I understand that it is very easy to be discouraged right now. Your schedule is a major test of faith and resolve. You will often be disappointed at how other people respond to your sense of urgency. I can imagine that you are discouraged about the lack of interest in your project. You thought this […]
4 Ways to Stop Being Overwhelmed and Get Things Done
The reality today for anyone in a leadership role is that more is being expected for less. I want to give you 4 principles to help you not just get things done, but get the RIGHT things done. 1. Measure your capacity to meet with people rather than all of the projects you are working […]
3 Ways to Use Goals to Raise More Money and Really Freak People Out
“Goals do not raise money. People do.” That’s what my dad always said. Did you know that setting goals and milestones can actually change behavior? I have found that goals do not get the work done, especially in raising money for ministry and vision. This has become a core belief that we teach through our […]
What the Bible Really Says about Favoritism and Raising Money
This is a controversial topic. How can you balance your need to raise money for ministry with what the Bible teaches about avoiding favoritism in James Chapter 2? “My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine […]