Let’s face it – we are living in a crazy time.
Let’s just look at the past several years…a global pandemic, war torn countries, ever increasing interest rates, and soaring gas prices (just to name a few things) have likely impacted you personally, and quite possibly your ministry.
I want to speak to the doubt, depression, and overwhelm lurking around the bend. God wants to speak Life into your situation through this article; I am merely the messenger.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: the old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17 makes a bold statement. Have you reckoned with the authority in these words? When we are born again, our old selves are dead. They are no more. We are new.
Imagine a newborn. They’re just that – NEW.
Every single thing they do is a first because they are in a brand new world doing brand new things. First breath, first cry, first snuggle, first diaper. First, first, first. They will spend the rest of their lives acclimating; there may never be a last first.
Now imagine your rebirth as a Christian. In Christ, you are a new creation. This transformation, however, doesn’t transport you directly to heaven.
Charles Spurgeon is apt to point out we are sanctified in a way only God could design. In John 17, Jesus prayed for his disciples, and for me. “I do not ask you to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.”
He has prayed specifically for us, being here, having a life here, and doing something with this life. We will not be taken from this world until His plan for our lives is complete.
He prays that we will be kept from the evil one. Does not the Father grant all things to the Son? We can be assured that this prayer is answered completely.
We may face attacks from the evil one, but we will be “kept” from the evil one.
We will not be his.
He will have no victory over you and me.
We are the Lord’s, and we will be fought over by Him so that he can keep us. Even death has no victory.
The word here for “keep” is like a guard keeping watch, not over a prisoner, but to protect from loss. It is monitoring. God has full custody, even possibly an entire military fortress or contingent that guards each of us.
We are soldiers in the fortress of God and will experience many battles, but that which is most precious will never really be lost entirely or taken. Even death will be a change in the twinkling of an eye, not destruction of that which is me.
Then Jesus prays, “Sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth.”
This point in Jesus’ prayer is an indescribably important part. He asks that the Father sanctify us in the truth, through the truth, and then clarifies what the truth is.
His word. Therefore, the Holy Spirit takes the truth, the Word of God, and engages my mind and body, through my eyes and ears and mind, to change and alter me every day through the Truth of the Word.
Praise God! I want to remind each of you that this is happening in our lives.
As I read the Word, write down the Truth, and say it aloud, these are all words that are seen by my eyes and heard by my ears, and echo in my mind.
Challenging, trying moments have and will continue to come up in our lives. The struggles and trials we face today will pass, but others will take their place. We must not allow ourselves to grow weary.
Take a moment today to read and speak the Truth over yourselves. Marinate in the power of our Father in Heaven, who has the final say. The plan calls for us to remain in the world, not of the world, but we are never alone.
Spend time in the Word. Push into prayer. Keep pushing forward.
Let me encourage you along in your leadership journey! Connect personally with me via text by adding yourself to my address book.