I once heard Chuck Swindoll say Paul was a recovering people pleaser. Galatians 1:10 says it best as Paul asks, “Am I now seeking the favor of men or of God, or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.”
Paul knows who he is because of Whose he is.
When it comes to visions, I’ve noticed as people we have a tendency to get wrapped up in “all I can see is where we need to be just in the next few months…so that’s all I can focus on” thinking. We want the what to be clear.
When this happens, there are many unfortunate side effects. I encourage you to help your team members and supporters alike walk with you to discover both what’s unplanned as well as celebrate what is planned and accomplished.
Who’s Your Who?
Some questions I want you to be thinking over and discussing center around considering the people in the life of your ministry.
- Who is currently investing in your work?
- Who is a part of the unfolding story?
- Who should you be talking to?
- Who should take the time to consider your plans?
- Who can you ask for input?
- Who else should you be talking to?
- Who are you investing time in?
- Who could make a transformational difference?
You may not have all the brass tacks figured out for down the road – your step three, step four, etc. – but you’re starting to leap and allowing people to be a part of the story.
What is the Vision?
It’s time to update your story of what God has brought to reality up to this point. Share answers to questions others have, remembering you likely don’t have all the answers. Yet.
Resist the devil. Pray against the lie others will decline putting dollars behind something because the details aren’t set in stone. Oftentimes God isn’t logical, but He is faithful. He always gives us our next step. Safety and security rest not in the details behind the step – but rather in the action itself … of taking the step.
Go. Step in the river. That’s the next step.
When others are caught up with you in the vision, they will pivot and change with you while walking with you. The confidence in your givers comes from knowing you are planful and prayerful.
Some questions you’re like to face include:
- What is your vision?
- Why is this important?
- How did you get to where you are now?
- What are you currently working to reach?
- What are the next steps?
Be honest with people. Share what the Father has shown you, and be open regarding areas He has yet to reveal.
Aligning Your Who with Your What
Alignment is created by doing things. Confidence comes from challenges met and overcome as well as suffering losses.
Our society today is terrified of facing anxiety, which leads me to wonder if this in and of itself is what’s causing our stress in the first place. Scripture never promised an easy walk. Jesus reminded His disciples of the certainty they would experience angst and fear in this life.
Christ first had to be in the garden, sweating drops of blood before being on the cross.
Trials are also the seasons when people experience tremendous growth and strengthening of their faith, having faced the affliction in the first place.
These questions lead you to a clear understanding of WHO you should focus on and WHAT you should share for this coming year and beyond. Asking these questions shows forward progress.
You know God is shaping you. Share your vision! Downloading our Strategy Statement Tool is a great place to start!