Ever watch the joy and imagination of a young child playing pretend? The promise of potential they feel is palpable.
No matter the chosen storyline, I’m willing to bet one undeniable truth lies underneath it all: I want to change lives.
I would encourage you to get very clear on your vision for a single life, for a person, and paint that picture.
Create your profile.
You want to reach and encourage others to come and work alongside you. But, unfortunately, simply asking for money isn’t likely to be the catalyst leading someone to open their heart and wallet.
By creating the profile of the life you’re aiming to change, the impact donors potentially have instantly become more tangible.
When you’ve established your profile, you tie that to your vision for the community so that people can quickly understand what you’re trying to accomplish and the steps that their giving will enable you to take.
Essentially your development message is your vision for people. Lives changed.
Vision casting in this way helps others to see what you’ve worked on, the history of your cause. In addition, the profile allows donors to understand your strategic plan and priorities better.
Making it personal leads to sharing the steps, some of which have already been taken and funded, to fund the actual project. People have to understand what you’re trying to accomplish and what your plan is before you can ask them to contribute to it.
Consider this as you approach your year end giving goals in the next few months. I would love to encourage you along the way! Please add your contact information to my phone if you haven’t already.